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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What can we do?

Some of you have asked me what you can do right now to restore The Saints to being a vibrant, democratic organization that is responsive to its members who pay annual dues. Here are a few ideas - please feel free to add to this list and post comments.

- post comments on this blog and on the Chicago Reader Story (click on story to the left)

- Send e-mails to Deb Granite at

- request minutes

- request observation privileges at future board meetings (the next one is scheduled for September 14 at 7:30 pm)

- write letters and send e-mails to the board with your questions

- attend general membership meetings and ask for a Question and Answer period at the conclusion of the meeting

- advocate for a committee to work on the bylaws

- advocate for setting up a nonpartisan election commission that develops fair election procedures before the process begins

- advocate for both electronic and mail in ballot options

- ask for financial reports and a full financial audit

There's plenty that can be done but this would be a great start.

1 comment:

  1. Kander and Ebb's musical, Cabaret, raises the important question:

    "Suppose simply keeping still
    Means you manage until the end?
    What would you do,
    My brave young friend?

    Grown old like me,
    With neither the will nor wish to run;
    Grown tired like me,
    Who hurries for bed when day is done;
    Grown wise like me,
    Who isn't at war with anyone—
    Not anyone!

    With a storm in the wind,
    What would you do?"

    What will you do?
